Vim goto definition
For navigation in large code bases. Mostly these have been tried with C/C++, but works similarly for other languages - Go, PHP, Elixir with some customization.
OS used - Ubuntu
Goto definition
OS used - Ubuntu
Goto definition
Install ctags -> sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
Activate ctags from project root -> ctags -R
Open all source files from this project root in Vim
To goto function/variable definition under cursor -> Ctrl + ]
To jump back -> Ctrl + t
Goto local variable/global variable declaration
If tag not found for some global variable/local variable/static/function
For definition and search(keyword under cursor) in same file(highlighter works with some good vim plugins) -> gd
For global definitions -> gD
To jump back -> Ctrl + o
Goto header files
To go-to file -> gf
To jump back -> Ctrl + o
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